
Winter Blast

Each year the Prince Gallitzin State Park staff host a “Winter Blast” event at the Main Marina.  Activities include sled riding, cross country skiing, ice fishing, and other winter sports.  The Friends of Prince Gallitzin State Park serves free hotdogs and hot chocolate.  Our club has a bonfire to keep you warm and makes mountain pies over the fire for you.  When conditions permit, we give snowmobile rides to introduce the sport to newcomers.  Hope to see you there.  It is a Blast”!  Watch for Events posted on our Glendale Lake Snowmobile Club Group Facebook page for specific dates and times.

Trail Maintenance

Throughout the year we organize workdays to maintain and improve the existing trail systems.  Work includes clearing downed trees, improving trail drainage, and repairing existing structures.  In addition to ongoing maintenance activities, we also undertake projects to increase the existing trail system.  See our “Projects” page for more details on some of our past projects.  Watch for Events posted on our Glendale Lake Snowmobile Club Group Facebook page for specific dates and times.

Summer Picnic & Membership Drive

Too warm to ride, but we can still get together for fellowship and story telling.  Each summer we have a club picnic and membership drive at the Patton Sportsmens Association.  See the event poster to the left for more details.  Watch for other events posted on our Glendale Lake Snowmobile Club Group Facebook page for specific dates and times.

Apple Cider Festival Booth

The Prince Gallitzin State Park and Friends of Prince Gallitzin State Park co-host the Apple Cider Festival at Muskrat Beach #2 each Fall.  We have a booth at the Festival to great newcomer’s questions about snowmobiling in the region.  If you attend the Festival, be sure to stop by and say hi!  Watch for Events posted on our Glendale Lake Snowmobile Club Group Facebook page for specific dates and times.

Christmas Parade Float

Santa ends the parade and brings in the snowmobile season.  Our club participates in the Altoona Christmas Parade with the very important job of sledding in Santa to conclude the parade.  Watch for Events posted on our Glendale Lake Snowmobile Club Group Facebook page for specific dates and times.

Trailside Picnics & Group Rides

Interested in riding on unfamiliar trails?  We organize trailside picnics with beginner and advanced skill trail rides.  Watch for Events posted on our Glendale Lake Snowmobile Club Group Facebook page for specific dates and times.